Demystify the link between the mind's well-being and the ancient art of yoga.
Read moreRestorative Yoga
our studio is a place where restoration is adored
Draw down the nurturing Earth Energy with this Taurus Moon
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MONTHLY! A playful Chakra Flow with curated EDM, Prog-Rock, and Hip-Hop playlist to correspond with each of the seven Chakras.
all levels | all bodies | all curiosities
Read moreYoga and Sound Healing is Virtual!
In-Studio Weekly Yoga accompanied by sound bath is now available virtually! Message Kate for the virtual link to these gentle yoga and sound healing classes.
Sound Healing and Yoga
Aries Full moon
yoga + sound healing was centered around firing-up and engaging that solar plexus
Libra's New Moon
A heart-centered yoga quickie for Libra Air energy.
Find Balance with April's Libra Super Moon
Monthly Full Moon & Self Care Ritual
For thousands of years, the lunar cycle served a purposeful and practical guide to everyday life. We can bring insight and balance to our hectic and chaotic lifestyles by learning and tracking moon cycles. Even a basic understanding of the cycle allows us an opportunity to thoughtfully plan, set intentions, goals, and reminds us to engage in our self-care routines and rituals.
April’s Full Moon presents us with an Airy energy and calls for justice, balance, harmony and a return to equilibrium
This month’s Libra Super Moon pushes an intense energy to us. Air Element energy (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius) tend to make my head feel like a balloon <unlike the intense dreamy energy of the water signs> this is a logical, overthinking, brain full of anxiety feeling. I find that I think and overthink things, maybe obsessively to the point where I neglect the work it takes to keep an inner-balance. Fortunately for me I have the benefits of entrainment (the bodies urge to find inner-balance, aided by frequencies and ᔕꪮꪊꪀᦔ ßꪖꪶꪖꪀᥴꫀ) built into my work with crystal and metal singing-bowls. I encourage readers and fellow moon-lovers to find a ritual or self-balancing hobby to keep a grounding balance during Air Element moon-signs.
Libra is the sign of love, relationships, partnerships and justice. Take time during this full moon to consider shining bright light of love toward a neglected or under-tended relationship or partnership in your life. Consider finding beauty in everything.
Astrologically, Libra’s sign is linked to the back, buttocks, kidneys, and skin. Send love and intention to these places in your body. Find a comfortable place to sit, take a few steady breaths, and relax your eyelids, cheeks, forehead. Imagine shining the vibrant, bright, silvery light of this super-moon on these body-parts. Connect with these spaces in your mind-send awareness there by breathing “into these spaces.” Allow your mind and body a few moments of lunar Yin energy.
Chakra Focus
Heart Chakra Themes: Air, breath, chest-openers, LOVE/relationships, harmony. In these times we might focus on our Heart Chakra in terms of healing and health.
<Bring awareness and balance to this heart space by placing your palms on your chest, feel the weight of your hands, the warmth, energy, or any sensations. Think of the color green or pink (or any color that comes to mind)
Throat Chakra Themes: Communication, truth, justice. We consider how our words impact relationships and set the frame in which we interpret what others are communicating to us. Use truthful words to bring justice to the greater collective.
<After a few steady rounds of breath, place your palms on your throat or along side your neck. Sing! Growl! Shout! Feel the vibrations as you express yourself. Think of the color aqua, blue, teal (or any color that comes to mind)
Astro Asana
Open that heart and bring awareness to the lower-back & buttocks
<Bridge-lower back, kidneys, buttocks (+ backbend chest-opener for Chakra focus)
More love to the heart-center plus shoulders and Throat/communication-center
<Eagle Arm Fold- Shoulders, throat, back
Self-Care Tip
Get your hands in the dirt, pick up sticks and leaves, walk around barefoot. April’s ground is lush and inviting, take in the earth to stay grounded; keep that Air Energy within reach.
GARDEN~plant something in your windowsill~Use moon-charged water in your plants
I love planting and playing in the dirt. It’s meditative, “dirty hands = clean head”
Crystals, Colors, Teas & Themes
Crystals: Turquoise, Rose Quartz, Jade
Colors: Rose, Green, Turquoise, Blue, AquaMarine
Tea: A calming earthy blend with heart-centered rose hips, & petals
Themes: Beauty, partnerships, truth & justice, a return to balance/equilibrium. Don’t let that flighty Air energy carry you into the clouds. Stay grounded!
may the light of the Libra moon illuminate balance and light in my partnerships, allow me to clear what it not serving me, and foster growth from our ever-nurturing Earth Mother in new and exciting endeavors and relationships.
Video from Grassroots Studios ~ Libra ᔕꪮꪊꪀᦔ ßꪖꪶꪖꪀᥴꫀ:
Be bold and shine in the moon's bright Leo light!
Full Moon Self Care 🌔-In Virgo
…stay grounded during this ambitious and detail-driven time
Read moreChakra Basics
7 Energy Centers represent various areas of our being from the most primal-survival focused to the highest level of consciousness.
Read moreMoon Phases 2019
The Lunar Effect…the cycle of the moon has been said to affect our body, mind, and spirit. For many, keeping a ritual during various moon phases prompts contemplation, working with intention, organization, and even cathartic experiences.
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