This is a monthly breathwork circle for men only
Please note: we are now including a suggested donation of $15 that shows up as an event fee. This can be paid over Venmo/Cashapp/PayPal ahead of the event (please message Ryan for details), you can wait until the event to pay cash, or the fee can be waived on request.
What is breathwork?
This is best described as an active meditation process. You are able to reach a deep state through repetitive breathing.
What happens at the breathwork circle?
We will begin with introductions, discussing intentions, and doing some tarot readings. Then, we will do a few practices to prepare ourselves to relax into the active breathing, followed by 30 mins of active breathing laying on the floor, returning to normal breath, and a brief integration session where anyone can share about their experience. We will have fairly loud music on for an hour to help immerse us into the practice.
There are a few contraindications for this practice, they include: severe asthma, severe heart disease, mental illness, epilepsy/history of seizures, acute physical injuries, severe diabetes. Please reach out if you have any concerns or questions.
How to prepare
>It is recommended to avoid alcohol and mind altering substances for 24hrs before doing this practice. This is completely optional, but emphasizes the cleansing element of the practice, and it's a good mental health check in.
>have an empty stomach or eat lightly before the practice (food in your stomach can cause discomfort during the practice)
>wear loose fitting, comfortable clothes and undergarments (sweat pants, yoga pants)
What to bring
>blindfold / eye pillow (available for purchase $10)
>water bottle
>yoga mat
>a pillow, blanket if you have something in particular, other wise there are pillows, blankets, and bolsters available at the studio.
>any oils, crystals, items that speak to your spiritual path
After you complete your practice, it is recommended to follow some aftercare. Plan to take it easy for a while, resting for the evening if the practice happens at night. Eat some nutritious food to break your fast from before practice. This is a good time for things like epsom baths and being intimate with a partner.
The group will be limited to 8.
Ryan’s credentials
I have been practicing breathwork for 3 years. I have attended many other group practices and worked on my own. In November 2021, I completed Shamama breathwork facilitator training. Beginning in January of 2022, I have been running monthly breathwork circles, first starting with a men's only circle, and now offering one open to all as well.